Sunday, April 17, 2011

OMG It's Spring Break!!!

Well, that's the case where I life... S-P-R-I-N-G B-R-E-A-K!!!!

This year we aren't really going anywhere because.
One, my little brother has some big soccer game for 3 days of the 9 days we have off.
Two, we are going on a really big trip this summer, (across the country) so we are skipping this.

But we don't want to make this the worst break ever, so my family has planned to go on some nearby day-trips, such as....
-Washington D.C.
-Shenandoah Mountains
-United States Marine Corps Museum (We went there today!)
-Grandma's house Easter

Just pointing out, none of these places are really that far from us except for my dear grandmother's house, which is 2 hours away, but who cares, not that bad of a vacation in my opinion.

But the worst part is...
I have homework! I know! On Spring Break!!! Well yeah... I'm in middle school, but still. I have two thirty page math packets to do (I'm in extended-extended math, and the SOLs are really important this year.) By the way, SOLs are the big end of the year tests we take. Anyways, I also have a project for chorus, I have to interview like 5 family members and put together this huge project. Though that might actually be fun.

So yeah, that's pretty much how my nine-day taste of freedom will be going. The Marine Corps Museum was great, I'll post pictures once I can find the cord for uploading pictures from my camera to my computer.

Question of the Post:
Are you going anywhere for your school break? Any summer plans?

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