About Me

Hey! I'm Rebecca. This page just includes a little more about me, in case you were wondering.

First off, I'm a dedicated Irish dancer and Track & Field runner. There's no question about that. I spend two hours, three days a week, at a dance studio, and another two hours, two days a week on a running track. :)

Aside from dancing and running, I like many other things. I'm really into art and writing, being in the process of writing a book. I have entered two art competitions, and have received 3rd place for a painting in one of them. I also happen to play the piano, having done it for about 3 years and stopped, but recently started taking lessons again. I also am pretty into photography, as you can see from the "My Photography" page of this blog. Recently, I took an interest in acting and theater. I've been on the stage my entire life, and I'm very "theoretical" as my mother says. I haven't officially been in any paying performances, but I'm getting there.

I have a wonderful family. My family includes my wonderful mom and dad, and me of course. Lots not leave out my two little brothers, one a soccer-loving crazy human, and the other a furry, lovable and crazy puppy. The human one is Ian, and the furry one is Simba, my yellow labrador retriever.

My favorite vacations spots are important for me. I want to travel all over the world one day, although I have yet to travel anywhere outside of the star-spangled United States. I love going to the near-by Shenandoah Mountains, a favorite local place for my family and I to go hiking or have a picnic. I adore Cape Cod, probably the best beach on the east coast, aside from Emerald Isle. I can't say the west coast is a bad place, because it isn't. I've been to San Diego, Las Vegas, and the Grand Canyon, and this summer I am going to San Francisco and Lake Tahoe. Busch Gardens (the one in Williamsburg), is my all time favorite amusement park.

As for my extended family, I am all Irish and completely love that. Although my dad is an only child, I have plenty of cousins on my mothers side to make up for that. In terms of if I'm a northerner or southerner, I'd say I am both. My father is from the South, my mother is from the North.

My goals in life? Well, I want to make a difference in this world, for one thing. I'm planning on going to college, maybe Notre Dame University, and I'd like to either be a vet, doctor, artist, or writer. But who knows? Anything can happen! (But I am definitely going to college)

There you have it. A quick little introduction of who I am. Hope you enjoyed it and please check out the rest of my blog and follow or comment!