Friday, October 8, 2010


Heyyyy! So, as you folks obviously know, Halloween is coming up. Yeah, yeah, I'm 11. BUT GUESS WHAT!?!?!?! I can SSTILL dress up!!! OMG! that is like so amazing! So, any who, my friends and I are going trick-or-treating, and the rules are you have to get a costume! So anyways, it would be cute if we all had like the same costume. So we need some ideas because as you know Halloween is on the 31th of October and today is the 8th. That is 23 days away. Okay, that is kind of a while, but it takes awhile to plan and make an awesome, homemade, costume.

So, we have a few ideas:

Awesome Ideas We Have:
  1. Alice in Wonderland People (unfortunatly this probably will not work because of the "fight" we got into over it)
  2. Crayons! (this is one of our way better ideas, that in definatly a good and easy one)
  3. Magazine Covers (cardstock or cardboard and do lots of fun drawing)
  4. Justin Beibers (I don't know about this... not my idea, my friends)
Okey dokey, that pretty much it. We did lots a research and those are our tops. So, let us know which one you like best!!!! PLease comment! Pleaase! Or, if you have another idea, also comment because I love feed back from you guys! I'll let you know what we do and how it went! thanks! so...

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


So, I was thinking, and I realized you guys probably don't know that much about me. So I'm going to interview myself for you. (this is weird, I know)

The Interview with Rebecca:

Me: Hi Rebecca! How are you today?

Me: I am great!

Me: Good! Let's get started. Are you ready?

Me: You bet I am! Let's go!!! :D

Me: Favorite color?

Me: Well, I like lots of colors. I love orange and light green together. And I love fall colors. It just depends on what mood I'm in.

Me: Favorite Season?

Me: By far, my favorite is fall. It is just beautiful when the leaves fall and everything. Especially up in the Shennadoah Mountains. Also, perfect weather. Not too hot, not too cold. PERFECT!

Me: Favorite dog breed?

Me: Labrador Retrievers!!! Mainly because: 1. They are adorable and the perfect size. 2. My doggy Simba is a yellow lab!!!

Me: Listen. You have to leave.

Me: What!?!?! It's time to go already!???


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Little Update

Okay, so hello y'all. (okay, I take that back, that isn't how you talk, duh) Yeah, I haven't really posted anything in awhile. So, I'm going to update you guys.

1. The moving thing has cooled down. My parents still wanna move, but not as exaggerated anymore.

2. I absouloutly LOVE middle school. It's been almost a month now. 10 times better than elementary school. (no offense to the elementary school goers)

3. Tehehehe, I had to go that. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Any who, I am going to Williamsburg on the 17th! (big whoop, I've been there a million times. It's just, I haven been there in FOREVER! (which is strange, because we always go there.) ) FOR A DANCE COMPETITION!!!!

4. I might go to Busch Gardens on that same day! (refer to one of my previous articles) I LOVE THAT PLACE! (except I haven't been there in a while. BOO HOO!)

5. I have to go!!! See y'all. omg! I did it again.

6. I am in a weird mood today. Akward...

7. BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!