Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah!

Okay, MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just realized I haven't posted in exactly one month! Anyways, guess what?!?!?!?! I GOT A MACBOOK PRO!!!! and i'm soooo happy right now! Happy Hanukkah and Kwanza and all that to everyone else!

Question of the Week:
What is your favorite part of the holidays???
Answer this fabulous question and I will choose the best ones and put them in my next post! 
And also say the name of your blog so I can advertise it if your a winner!

But always remember true meaning of the holidays.
It's time to give thanks for what you have and spend time with family, and it's NOT all about presents and toys!!!!

Thanks everyone, bye bye!


Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!! I love Thanksgiving, and it's one of my favorite holidays of the year... I just love the spirit and happiness and partying and feasts.

Some of my Absolute Favorite Things are:

  1. Football!!! That is a long known Thanksgiving tradition... This year it's Cowboys vs. Saints... who will win? COWBOYS!!!!
  2. The Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade - The best thing ever! (I will talk more about it later on in the post)
  3. Family Time - NO SCHOOL!!!! And hanging w/ the family
  4. Friends Time - THis year one of my BFFs and her family are coming over!!!!!
  6. I've figured out that starting Thanksgiving through Christmas Day is pretty much the holidays. I love the Holidays!
I looooove this holiday. HAve A grEAT DAY!!!!!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

VOTE! VOTE! VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, well hello everyone. Okay some updates:

  • Halloween has happened and I got 8 lbs. of candy and was a Camp Counselor. (cool right? sooo original)
  • It's November!
  • Not much more to tell ya!
Now: Our SPotlight Topic of the Day: VOTING TIME !!!!
Yes, it's that time. MID-TERM ELECTIONS!!!!!!!!! (oooooo, so exciting) That means states are electing governers, senates, and congress seats. Well, VA is all REBULICAN BABY!!!!!!! And we want our congress to be the elephant, right? SO VOTE FIMIAN!!! Well, you do NOT have to, because you probably don't live in VA and/or don't want to vote that. OR, YOU MIGHT BE TOO YOUNG!!! DUHHHHHH!!!! LIKE ME!!!

Anyways, I have to go so bye bye y'all!!!! ;DDDD

Friday, October 8, 2010


Heyyyy! So, as you folks obviously know, Halloween is coming up. Yeah, yeah, I'm 11. BUT GUESS WHAT!?!?!?! I can SSTILL dress up!!! OMG! that is like so amazing! So, any who, my friends and I are going trick-or-treating, and the rules are you have to get a costume! So anyways, it would be cute if we all had like the same costume. So we need some ideas because as you know Halloween is on the 31th of October and today is the 8th. That is 23 days away. Okay, that is kind of a while, but it takes awhile to plan and make an awesome, homemade, costume.

So, we have a few ideas:

Awesome Ideas We Have:
  1. Alice in Wonderland People (unfortunatly this probably will not work because of the "fight" we got into over it)
  2. Crayons! (this is one of our way better ideas, that in definatly a good and easy one)
  3. Magazine Covers (cardstock or cardboard and do lots of fun drawing)
  4. Justin Beibers (I don't know about this... not my idea, my friends)
Okey dokey, that pretty much it. We did lots a research and those are our tops. So, let us know which one you like best!!!! PLease comment! Pleaase! Or, if you have another idea, also comment because I love feed back from you guys! I'll let you know what we do and how it went! thanks! so...

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


So, I was thinking, and I realized you guys probably don't know that much about me. So I'm going to interview myself for you. (this is weird, I know)

The Interview with Rebecca:

Me: Hi Rebecca! How are you today?

Me: I am great!

Me: Good! Let's get started. Are you ready?

Me: You bet I am! Let's go!!! :D

Me: Favorite color?

Me: Well, I like lots of colors. I love orange and light green together. And I love fall colors. It just depends on what mood I'm in.

Me: Favorite Season?

Me: By far, my favorite is fall. It is just beautiful when the leaves fall and everything. Especially up in the Shennadoah Mountains. Also, perfect weather. Not too hot, not too cold. PERFECT!

Me: Favorite dog breed?

Me: Labrador Retrievers!!! Mainly because: 1. They are adorable and the perfect size. 2. My doggy Simba is a yellow lab!!!

Me: Listen. You have to leave.

Me: What!?!?! It's time to go already!???


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Little Update

Okay, so hello y'all. (okay, I take that back, that isn't how you talk, duh) Yeah, I haven't really posted anything in awhile. So, I'm going to update you guys.

1. The moving thing has cooled down. My parents still wanna move, but not as exaggerated anymore.

2. I absouloutly LOVE middle school. It's been almost a month now. 10 times better than elementary school. (no offense to the elementary school goers)

3. Tehehehe, I had to go that. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Any who, I am going to Williamsburg on the 17th! (big whoop, I've been there a million times. It's just, I haven been there in FOREVER! (which is strange, because we always go there.) ) FOR A DANCE COMPETITION!!!!

4. I might go to Busch Gardens on that same day! (refer to one of my previous articles) I LOVE THAT PLACE! (except I haven't been there in a while. BOO HOO!)

5. I have to go!!! See y'all. omg! I did it again.

6. I am in a weird mood today. Akward...

7. BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, September 26, 2010


Okay, so, hello, it's me. I just found out the worst news in the history of the worst news! (I am NOT exaggerating!) MY FAMILY MIGHT MOVE! ALL THE WAY TO MIDLOTHIAN, VA! THAT IS A FULL 2 HOURS AWAY FROM WHERE I LOVE NOW! This is horrible. I've lived where I live now for my entire life! (11 full years!) I can't move now! Plus, I've finally started middle school and finally figured things out in life. I have great friends, good grades, go to an awesome school, and am doing something I love. (Irish dance) This is absoulutly, positively, the worst thing ever. I can not move. Because, obviously, and my age, all the girls already have their "groups" and friends and I would be super hard for me to fit in. I know it would make my parents super happy because apparently, they hate of neighbors. I want them to be happy but I also want to be happy. I know they say I'll make new friends, love my school and can sign up for another dance school but that will NOT work. It would never be the same. I need help! Fast! Please! Comment! Give me advice! HELP!!!!

:( :( :( :( :( :( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;(

Friday, September 10, 2010

How to Tell if Someone is Lying

This is for all you people out there who want to know if someone is lying or not.
This is the trick I use to figure out if my brother is lying. I figured this out a long time ago, maybe when I was 4 or 5.
Rebecca's Homemade Solution to Tell If Someone is Lying:
1. If you hear someone say/do something that doesn't sound quite right, look at them ASAP.
2. As you look at them, notice their face. If they have a big grin on their face, or are nervously giggling, move on to the step.
3. Now continue to study their face. Do this in a way that will make them feel uncomfortable, but this will only work if they truly are lying.
4. If thier eyebrows are raised higher than normal, you can pretty much guarranted that they are lying.
5. Okay, all in all, if they have a big grin/smile and/or is nervously giggling, AND their eyebrows are raised, then they are lying.

How to Deal With an Annoying Liar Like My Little Brother:
If you know someone who obiviously lies all the time or you tryed my trick or another trick on them and they seem like they are lying, this is how you have to deal with them:
If they start on one of their constant lies, stop them mid sentence. Say:
"Dude, it's pretty obivious that you are lying. You might as well zip it."
Or something like that. Trust me, my brother lies a lot just to irritate me and no matter what I or one of my parents do, he will not stop.

No offense to my crazy, lovable, little brother, but he loves to annoy me to just my attention.

Anyways, best wishes with this and I hope it works and that it helps a lot. Feel free to comment and say any other ideas you have, if it worked or not, and what you think of this post or blog!


Monday, September 6, 2010

All About Busch Gardens, in Williamsburg, VA

Okay, you asked for this. Well, ya really didn't because I said I was going to post this and you didn't have a choice.

Okay so, this picture is the entrance. As you can see it says "Welcome to the World's Most Beautiful Theme Park" That is VERY true. Unlike other parks it is quiet, not TOO crowded, and FUN!!!!!

The Theme:

The theme of Busch Gardens is Europe. It's like travel themed. There different areas for each country. For example, in Ireland (one of my favorite ones) there are Irish dancers just like me performing and a great Irish pub. (There is also more) In France, there is a miny Effeil Tower and lots of cute shops and it totally feels like Paris. Then in all the other countries, it feels like you're in that country. I love this because I love to travel and Europe is truely and awesome place.

And There's More!

Not only do they have these awesome countries, they have rides! Most of they rides are named/themed like a European country. For example, one of the best roller coasters is called the Lochness Monster. Oh, and there is one that is called Escape from Pompeii, (You know?! The island where the volcano arrupted and was destroyed??? Pay attention in history class!) and you get in to a rollar coaster cart and slowly get pushed up a hill by a machine and enter a large Acient Rome kind of building. It's like a rollar coaster inside. You almost get hit by flames and planks of wood. (Don't worry, this is completely safe) And then fly down this really steep hill and crash into the water. It's so fun.

IT IS LIKE AN AWESOME PLACE TO GO! My family goes here at least once every summer, and sometimes during the school year.

Here are a few pictures:

Amustment Parks! (random)

Okay, so I was thinking abouts things. Other than the fact that today is the very last day of summer vacation for me and I'm about to start middle school tomorrow, I need something else to think about. (Which is gonna be hard for me) Amusment parks! That's what I wanna think about!
Here are my top 5 all time favorite amusment parks:
5. Hershey Park (you should know where that is, in PA)
4. The Prince William COunty Fair (Our countuy fair. Does that count as amustment park?)
3. Disneyworld in Orlando, FL
2. Seaworld in San Deigo, CA
1. Busch Gardens!!!! In Williamsburg, VA

Busch Gardens is my absoulute favorite amustment park of all time, and I'm going to tell you more about that in my next post, which will be called: All About Busch Gardens, In Williamsburg, VA.

Okay then, see ya guys and wish me luck in middle school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Friday, September 3, 2010


Okay, so, guess what? Middle school is starting for me in 4 days!!!! EK! I can't believe I'm already in 6th grade! So anyways, middle school is obviously different from Elementary school, because:
More than 1 teachers!
Sit where you want to sit in the cafeteria
A whole new group of kids
MORE freedom!
As you can tell, I'm pretty excited. (Okay, maybe a lot excited) So, I need tips and help? PLEASE comment!!!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Birthday Ideas

My 11th birthday is coming up in 8 days! WOW! :)

I need to plan a party, fast. I can't have anything big because my parents are starting to think that around my age, you shouldn't be having really big parties. Plus, we are going on a little vacation told to celebrate. (Well, we are going there for a dance competition, but we can vaca, right?)

What should I do? I'll invite maybe 2-4 friends. Pizza and cupcakes of course. But the question is, am I too old for those cheesy party games? And I want this to be original. THIS IS HARD. We have the food and location down. Pizza and cupcakes, at my house. Maybe the pool? But everyone has a pool party. Not original. Just hang out? Boring. Make pizza? No, my BFF does that every year. Well we can take up sometime with presents. Annoy my brother? Boring. Bike ride? Then everyone would have to bring their bikes. Decorate flip flops? Sounds fun, but would everyone else like it? Movie night? That actually sounds kind of fun!

Okay, it's down to a Movie Night when we rent a movie and hang out, or a pool party. Well this helped a lot. If you guys have any other ideas or activities to add on to the party, please COMMENT and tell me! Thanks!



Okay, so at about this time of the summer everyone remembers there is such thing as school. For me, it's a big thing. That's because this year I am going into middle school! OMG! I'm finally out of elementary school and off to bigger things. Lockers, lots of teachers, and lots of other changes. Now we have to get all the school supplies, backpacks, clothes and lots of other stuff. But it's only the beginning of August, right? We still have about one month left. When it gets to the end of August, things get even crazier. This is typical and you should expect it every year. (well, at least if you live near me or in some crazy family type of neighborhood)


Saturday, July 31, 2010

Some Pictures!

Okay now for the moment you all have been waiting for.... (maybe not) Here is Simba! This is sorta an old picture, because it was taken in the winter when he was only like 6 months old. Now he is 1 year and 1 month. He is really cute! Right? So if I get another dog it will be as sure as this! And also here is a picture of me! I am adorable too! :)

Ferrum College Summer Enrichment Camp

Hi guys! Have any of you ever heard of FCSEC? (Ferrum College Summer Enrichment Camp) It's a lot of fun. This is a camp for ages 10-13. (I think?) You actually stay in actual dorms at Ferrum College in Ferrum, VA. (near Roanoke, VA) We do tons of fun classes, like:
Webpage Design
Living 1800's Style
Ferrum Challenge
iPod Mania
and more!

I would recomend for any kid ages 10-13 that gets good grades, lives somewhere near here, and wants to have fun. The councelers are the best and we eat in the cafeteria. There is skit night, a dance and more! I went here for the first time this summer and I am so going back. I got back about 2 weeks ago.
Here is the website:
Hope this will help! I will also post some pictures and stuff like that.

Watcha doing? :)

I am sitting here on the computer. That is what I am doing. Listening to my brother play XBOX 360. What came is he playing? Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, of course. Give me a break, I've heard that game a million times. A million and one, to be exact.

Also, guess what? I am getting a new dog! (let's hope. my parents are into it, but not positive.) I already have a yellow lab that's a year old. His name is Simba. He is the greatest dog ever. We will probably get another dog from the same breeder. (Cresthill Kennels, a really good place to go if you want a lab. I will post a link) What should we name him? Any ideas?

About Me!

My name is Rebecca. (of course) I am 11 and I am going into middle school. (ek!) I do Irish Dance, which is only the best ever and I compete in dance competitions. I've done tons of sports in my life. soccer, tennis, volleyball, ballet, jazz, etc. I have a bubbly personality. People say I can be completly quiet or really-annoying-loud. I am me. And I am pround. :)

BTW, please friend me and/or become a follower!

Welcome to my Blog!

Hi. I'm Rebecca. This is my blog. (duh) I've had other blogs before from a long time ago but this is a new, way better one. So this great blog will share my crazy life and also fun games, sites, and more. I hope ya like it! :)