Monday, April 18, 2011

It's Another One of Those Fabulous Interviews

Hey, so I've been a little obsessive with Blogger today, you all know I'm doing this for the entertainment of my viewers (*cough, cough* You!) Plus, Blogger isn't half-bad. So I've been thinking of ideas for new posts. So, here's what happened:

I heard a bunch of my fans chatting, and they were saying how much they loved my "Interview With Me" thing. (Not really, I'm not a stalker) So I'm doing ANOTHER ONE! Your welcome!

Alright, so we'll do this how we did this a while ago. Me, the interviewer, will be in one color, and me, the person answering the questions, will be in another color. (Confusing, right?)

Orange=Question Answerer

Me: What's up? Ready for another interview?
Me: I'm good, and yeah! I'm been waiting for this interview for like, ever!
Me: Okay great, we'll start now.
Me: Okey dokey! :)
Me: Who's your favorite band?
Me: Well, right now I'm pretty into Mumford & Sons, but The Black Eye Peas are pretty good too.
Me: Out of these choices, which would you rather be: Singer or Actor
Me: That's tough. I mean, I love to sing AND I love to act. I'd have to say actor though.
Me: What's your favorite restaurant?
Me: Well, I have a few. I love Coastal Flats, Outback Steakhouse, Wing It, Potbelly, and Carrabba's
Me: What's your favorite clothing store?
Me: Probably Abercrombie, American Eagle, or Aeropostale. Though I shop at other stores too.
Me: Well, thank you Rebecca! That was a great interview, but I'm afraid we have to wrap things up.
Me: Alright, thanks for having me. See you later!
Me: Um, yeah. Well bye!

Well there you have it. My incredibly weird interview where I talk to myself. Sounds like so much fun, doesn't it??? That's it for this post. I'll see you next time. Bye!

Did you like this interview? Are you a fan of my blog? Feel free to answer!

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