
Sunday, December 18, 2011


Whoa. Whoa. WHOA.

I haven't posted on here since August 17th.

O. M. G.

Shame on me!!

So much has happened since August 17th...
School started... I love my classes!
Halloween!... I was a hippie. :D
Thanksgiving... Like all my cousins, and all my aunt and uncles, and my grandma all came. And ALL stayed in my house.
Track Team... Yep, I was on the school track team! So much fun!
All-State Choir Audition... omg. This was huge. All-State is this really prestigious honor choir, and I was invited to audition for it. (That means I'm a good singer!!!)
Christmas!!!!!!!!!... Okay, not yet, but it's coming up! I just LOOOOVE Christmas time. "It's the most wonderful time of the year!"

Yep, a lot more happened. That's just a quick update.

Oh, Oh, Oh!! Wait. You need to check out my photography video. I toke ALL these pictures and I'm really proud.
Here's the link:

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Quote of the Day

Hey there, I have another quick post just for you!

Here's a "Quote of the Day"

Here's a picture I love. It's made by me! I actually took the picture, did some editing, and, of course, added the quote.
It's just something to look at, but I personally am completely proud of what I've done here. (:

Just one very important thing, don't steal this!!!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Shame On Me!!

I haven't posted in... at least 2 whole months! This is insane. Outrageous. Preposterous. Mind-boggling. Drastic. Okay, enough with playing Thesaurus. :)

Any-who, I now have to tell you everything that happened in the last two months of my dear life. Now, this is going to take at least two more posts, probably more.

So.. have patience with me!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Quote of the Day (and more)

Well, hello there. Sorry I haven't been on to post in a long time... I'm a busy bee. (:

So, here's the quote of the day for you:

I think this is an adorable quote, mainly because I'm a total Winnie the Pooh fan. (: This quote really means that don't judge a person by their looks; they could be really sweet people underneath. Enjoy the quote, and maybe, it will help you!

I'll post a new quote soon!

By the way, I think this is one of the cutest outfits ever. (:

See you next time!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Quote of the Day

Hi everyone, it's me. (And by me, I'm sure you know who I am) I just came up with something I'm going to start doing, "Quote of the Day" So, each day I'll post a quote that I like or that's even helped me in life, and you never know, maybe it will help you!

I really like this quote, and I found it off the back of a juice pouch. (lol!) So yes, this quote a keeper.

Well, I hope you enjoyed this! I'll post new quote every time I'm on here, and I'm sorry if it's not everyday.

I'm Going To The Jersey Shore!

'Ello mates! It's Rebecca here, and I'm really excited because today I'm leaving on vacation to none other than the Jersey shore. Okaaay, there's no Snookie and it's not a TV show, but I am going to a beach in New Jersey.

It all starts with a dance competition, which is usually the start of some of our vacations. I have dance competition in New Jersey, so I'll be staying at my grandparents house and visiting all the cousins and aunts and uncles that live in New Jersey. (My mom's entire family is from New Jersey) Then, on Sunday, I'll have a dance competition till about 12, and after that, off to the beach to see my mom's childhood friend and go swimming.

Sounds fun, right? I just wanted you to know, I'm just really happy that I finally get some vacation time off when I have all these end-of-the-year tests at school. But yeah, sorry this is a short post, I just had to tell someone! :)

Friday, June 3, 2011

Just A Bit of Photography (By Me)

Okay, well I'm totally and absolutely sorry that I haven't posted in such a long time. Shame on meee! Hmm, well here's a little update, in case you were wondering. 'Kay, so I started another blog (It's on a different account, since I kind of have to emails) It's call A Reel Irish Dancer. So you know how I'm a Irish dancer? Well that blog is all about Irish dance, this is more about me. You can visit the blog at A Reel Irish Dancer, so check it out, read the posts, follow, or friend me!

But, let's get to the point of this fabulous post; photography. You all know how insane I am over photography. So today I just grabbed my camera, went outside, and next thing you know click, click, click! went the camera. :) Here's some that I took:

Okaaaay, so it's not much, but these are just my favorites. I took more, no worries. I really love the first one...!

So yeah, that's all I have to say, see ya guys, and don't forget to follow or comment!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Whoa, It's Been Like, More Than A Week!

I can't believe I haven't posted in a while!!! Bad me! :) I've been a busy bee lately, with TONS of homework, traveling, gift wrapping, dance, track, and so much more. This weekend, I went to Pennsylvania for the dance competition!! Pretty awesome, and I did great. My dad's birthday is tomorrow AND Mother's Day is on Sunday, so I have lots of gift wrapping. Except Dad left today! He went somewhere in the country on a work trip for two weeks. So, instead, we celebrated his birthday on Sunday.

Yeah, so anyways, enough of that boring stuff. Speaking of boring stuff, I righting the most boring, time wasting thing ever. SOoOoO, in science we are learning about watersheds, and the Chesapeake Bay, and all that stuff. Of course, my science teacher being like she is, I have to right a paper on the life of a raindrop. Seriously. No lie. I have to pretend I'm a raindrop, and she had us do some activity so we can get assigned to what happened to our raindrop. (Confusing, right?) So far, my raindrop has fallen out of the sky, gotten absorbed by a rockfish, swallowed by a raccoon, and them came out as urine. (I didn't choose what happened, but urine, seriously?) Sorry, I'm just bothered by that.

So yeah, remember my post about the photography contest? I choose the berry pictures to enter, and I haven't found out who won yet.

Okey dokey, that's really all I have to say now. I promise I'll post better posts later, I'm just busy!!

Do you have to do weird homework like I do?

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Off To Pennsylvania!

Guess what? Next weekend (not this weekend) I am going to Pennsylvania... for none other than, a dance competition! I honestly don't know why I'm so excited, I mean, I've been to Pennsylvania a trillion times for both dance competitions AND to see family. 

So, this dance competition is called the Four Provinces Feis. Feis is pronounced Fesh, it's an Irish word, since I do Irish dance. A little overview of a dance competition:
There about 1,000 dancers, all in costume. The dancers are split into group based on level and age, and then they dance two at a time in front of 1 to 3 judges. (Sometimes more) The judges score each dancer and the top 3 place, getting a trophy or medal. There are anywhere from 1-30 dancers in one group. Usually a dancer has 1-6 dances, depending on what level and age. If you place a  certain amount of times, you level up!

It's tons of fun!!!

The feis is in Broomall, Pennsylvania, and it's near by to the single most BEST mall EVER!!! It's called the King of Prussia Mall. BEST. PLACE. EVER. I love it there, it's even better then Fair Oaks and Tyson's Malls. 

So there you have it, just an overview on what I'm doing.

Rebecca's Fun and Fabulous Facts:

-Feis is an Irish word for festival.
-There are six dance levels for Irish dance.
Well, that's all I have.

That's for reading and please continue to comment and subscribe, it means a lot! :) Watch for more posts!

Have you ever been to the King of Prussia Mall? Do you do Irish dance?

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

I Need Your Help! Now!

Hey guys, I just need your really quick opinion. Please comment an answer.

So anyways, I'm entering this local photography contest for kids ages "middle school through high school" I have narrowed my pictures down to three different choices, and I'm honestly not sure AATT AALLLLL on which one to choose.

Please give me your opinion by April 27th, 2011. Just comment bellow. !! Thank you !!

Alright, here are your options:

Option One:

Option Two: ^^^^^^ Up there!
Option Three:

So tell me your opinion by April 27th, 2011! It would really be tons and tons of help!!!!! Thanks again, don't forget to comment and follow!

Which pictures is better?!?!

Pictures From The United States Marine Corps Museum

So, yesterday my family and I went to the United States Marine Corps Museum in Quantico, Virginia. It's not that far away, just a day trip. It's a really great museum, you should check it out sometime if you ever are nearby. I took a bunch of pictures, like over 100, but I'm obviously not going to show you all of them. I've selected a few to show you.

ignore that kid, he's my bro. bad picture of him though.

By the way, none of those are real Marines, just statues.

So, there you have it. I'd like to say a quick thank you to all brave men and women that have fought for our country.

But I hope you enjoy the pictures! Keep watching for more posts, and please, follow and comment!

Have you ever been to this museum? What are your spring break plans?

Check Out My Photography

So hey, what's up? I haven't posted in like, one entire day!:) Anyways, I have been making some changes to my site, and I added a page to display my photography. It's nothing special, I'm just an aspiring photographer that just grabs a camera and snaps some pictures.

Hope you enjoy them though, you can check them out in the "My Photography" page of my website. Keep in mind I didn't use any editing and all of these pictures were taken by me, and only me.

So... enjoy!!! Sorry this is a short post!

Sneak Peek:

Thanks again! Please follow and comment as much as you'd like!

Do you like my photography? Do you like to take pictures? Any other thoughts?

Monday, April 18, 2011

It's Another One of Those Fabulous Interviews

Hey, so I've been a little obsessive with Blogger today, you all know I'm doing this for the entertainment of my viewers (*cough, cough* You!) Plus, Blogger isn't half-bad. So I've been thinking of ideas for new posts. So, here's what happened:

I heard a bunch of my fans chatting, and they were saying how much they loved my "Interview With Me" thing. (Not really, I'm not a stalker) So I'm doing ANOTHER ONE! Your welcome!

Alright, so we'll do this how we did this a while ago. Me, the interviewer, will be in one color, and me, the person answering the questions, will be in another color. (Confusing, right?)

Orange=Question Answerer

Me: What's up? Ready for another interview?
Me: I'm good, and yeah! I'm been waiting for this interview for like, ever!
Me: Okay great, we'll start now.
Me: Okey dokey! :)
Me: Who's your favorite band?
Me: Well, right now I'm pretty into Mumford & Sons, but The Black Eye Peas are pretty good too.
Me: Out of these choices, which would you rather be: Singer or Actor
Me: That's tough. I mean, I love to sing AND I love to act. I'd have to say actor though.
Me: What's your favorite restaurant?
Me: Well, I have a few. I love Coastal Flats, Outback Steakhouse, Wing It, Potbelly, and Carrabba's
Me: What's your favorite clothing store?
Me: Probably Abercrombie, American Eagle, or Aeropostale. Though I shop at other stores too.
Me: Well, thank you Rebecca! That was a great interview, but I'm afraid we have to wrap things up.
Me: Alright, thanks for having me. See you later!
Me: Um, yeah. Well bye!

Well there you have it. My incredibly weird interview where I talk to myself. Sounds like so much fun, doesn't it??? That's it for this post. I'll see you next time. Bye!

Did you like this interview? Are you a fan of my blog? Feel free to answer!

How To Make A Blog Header

So, do you ever see those blog headers, like mine, and really wonder how they get them? I'll show you!

Step One:
Go on (a photo editing website). Click on the "Upload Photos" button, and select any picture. (It doesn't matter which picture you choose, you won't really end up using it.)

Step Two:
Once you have selected the photo, you will be taken to the "Edit" section. Click on the "Crop" button and click and drag, selecting your area. (I recommend using a short and long rectangle, but anything works.) Press Okay and go to the "Create" tab.

Step Three:
Under the "Create" tab, click on Stickers. Scroll down a bit until you find Geometric, and select a rectangle, or whatever shape your photo is now. Drag the shape over your entire picture, and choose a color for it.

Step Four:
Still under the "Create" tab, click on Text. Give your blog a title or sub-heading, choosing different colors and fonts. Lastly, go back under Stickers and add some of the fun different stickers and shapes.

Step Five:
Last but not least, go under the Save & Share section, and save your creation on your computer. Go back on your blog, click Design, and change your blog title to your new picture. Viola! You did it! You now have a great title for you blog. Feel free to use the same procedure to make other things, such as pictures, logos, etc.

Have you ever used this idea before? Do my tips work?

Sunday, April 17, 2011

10 Random Things About Me... and Don't Forget Music!

So... I have dared myself to say 10 random things about myself. (Trust me, I have a life, not to mention a great family and friends) So anyways, here it goes:

1. I am planning on making a difference in this world one day. :)
2. I'm a dedicated Irish dancer and Track & Field Runner
3. People say I'm skinny. (i'm not sick or anorexic or anything!!!)
4. My family includes my Mom and Dad, and 2 brothers, one human and the other furry. (Simba the yellow lab is a very guy! :D)
5. I have 3 crazy best friends who I have been through everything with, a best frenemy (long story), a best buddy that I don't see that much, lots of dance friends-forevers, and lots more friends I can talk to at school.
6. I get great grades, (Not to brag)
7. I LOVE the beach and the mountains, and my favorite season is fall.
8. I'm your favorite Irish girl, an Irish dancer and almost all Irish.
9. I am in love with fruit smoothies.
10. I want to travel the world one day.

Everyone loves music, especially me. I mean, I am in chorus, I play the piano, and I dance. It's impossible for me to hate music.

fav songs:
-Winter Winds
-Born This Way
-The Cave
And more!!

But I have to go!!!!! Bye! I will post more soon!

What are your favorite songs, music types, and singers/bands?

OMG It's Spring Break!!!

Well, that's the case where I life... S-P-R-I-N-G B-R-E-A-K!!!!

This year we aren't really going anywhere because.
One, my little brother has some big soccer game for 3 days of the 9 days we have off.
Two, we are going on a really big trip this summer, (across the country) so we are skipping this.

But we don't want to make this the worst break ever, so my family has planned to go on some nearby day-trips, such as....
-Washington D.C.
-Shenandoah Mountains
-United States Marine Corps Museum (We went there today!)
-Grandma's house Easter

Just pointing out, none of these places are really that far from us except for my dear grandmother's house, which is 2 hours away, but who cares, not that bad of a vacation in my opinion.

But the worst part is...
I have homework! I know! On Spring Break!!! Well yeah... I'm in middle school, but still. I have two thirty page math packets to do (I'm in extended-extended math, and the SOLs are really important this year.) By the way, SOLs are the big end of the year tests we take. Anyways, I also have a project for chorus, I have to interview like 5 family members and put together this huge project. Though that might actually be fun.

So yeah, that's pretty much how my nine-day taste of freedom will be going. The Marine Corps Museum was great, I'll post pictures once I can find the cord for uploading pictures from my camera to my computer.

Question of the Post:
Are you going anywhere for your school break? Any summer plans?

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Friendship Problem-o's (Aren't that great)

Oh joy, friendship troubles. It's apart of every friendship, you can't avoid it, but you can resolve it. (Life lessons are just great, aren't they?!) Anyways, I'm going to give you 3 Different Scenarios of a friendship problem One or two of them have even happened to me before. (One of them I am in the process of trying to resolve, ughh) So, I'll give you the scenario and then give you advice on what I would do if I were in that spot.

Maybe, just maybe, it will help you, in some way, shape, or form.

Scenario 1:
You and your best friend are really close, but lately she's started hanging out with a bad crowd. They are the "bullies", are pretty much failing school, and were always really mean to you and your friend. But just the other day, you hear that there is rumors going around about you. Really nasty ones at the least. You talk to your 'bestie' and found out the she was the one that started the rumors. Of course you are furious, but she claims that her "friends"pressured her into doing it and promised she wouldn't do it again. The next day, you hear more rumors being spread, starting from your best friend. You are madder then furious. Pissed off. (Please excuse my language)

So, what on Earth do you do???
Well, der, the answer is pretty obvious. Ditch your friend! You are obviously too good for her. You have already tried talking to her, it doesn't do any good, so just let her suffer the consequences.

Oh joy, have you ever gotten really exited about a post and when you start writing it, you get tired of the idea? Unfortunately, that's the case for me right now. Sorry! I hope the advice I gave you so far helped though!!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Rebecca's Top Fav Books!

Yes, it's finally here!

Rebecca's Top Fav Books!
This one of a kind chance will bring you through my "world of books" These books aren't messed up, nerdy books, they are the good kind!!

Book One:
The Mother-Daughter Book Club
Fine. It's a series. Not a book. Right now there are four of them. You're probably thinking, "Ew! A mother-daughter book club! Lame!" That's what the characters thought too. It's about 4 very different girls that live in Massachusetts. Their mothers start a book club and force them to be in it. Megan, Jess, Emma, and Cassidy are all against this, but eventually become best of friends. The first book stays in Massachusetts most of the time, but they end up traveling across the country, and go to England! (it's not weird and cheesy, trust me.) I love how real the books feel. As in, it feels like the characters are real life girls.
Ages: 9-16
Stars: 5 STARS!!!!!

Book Two:
The Penderwicks
This sweet little book was another one of my favorites. It's exactly what the sub-title states, "A summer tale of four sisters, two rabbits, and a very interesting boy" To tell ya the truth, I have read this book at least 5 times. (Embarrassing!) It's about four sisters and their dad who rent a small cottage in the mountains for summer vacation. This cozy cottage is right next to a HUGE mansion, which is owned by Mrs. Tifton, a snooty and rich lady. And her son Jeffery. They run into LOTS of trouble, but it's a really sweet tale that reminds you of those old fashioned stories everyone loves.
Ages: 8-14 (well, great for any age)
Stars: 5 STARS!!!!!

Book Three:
The Winnie Years
Oh boy. It's another series. The Winnie Years are better known as Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen and Thirteen Plus One. It's a really great series, the kind you can read again and again! It's about girl named Winnie that grows up through the years and experiences lots of different changes, such as, losing a best friend, getting new friend, middle school, getting her period, getting a boyfriend, traveling, and lots more that any girl can easily relate to. It's a great read for tweens and teens.
Ages: 10-16
Stars; 5 STARS!!!!!

I'm so sorry, I have to go!
I promise I will post more fav book reviews ASAP!
Hope you liked this!

Have you read any of these books?
What are some of YOUR favorite books?

That Reading Advice Rebecca Gave Us! ONE

Oh, the joy of books.
Well some of you guys are going to say "I HATE READING!" Well that sucks for you. Okay, reading isn't always the "in" thing and people sometimes think of it as school work, but it really isn't. I try to always have a book to read all the time. Whenever the little voice in my head says, "You're such a nerd for reading!" I always say, "Shutup, reading ain't all the bad." (Okay, I don't say "ain't" because that is pretty much illegal in my family, but you get the point)

I picture reading as a movie in your head. (I love movies) If you think about it, reading is like a movie in your head, except you are on of the directors! (Unless you read picture books, it's true. You get to imagine what the characters look like, what the setting looks like, etc.)

Yes, you heard me! My opinion on the best books! I will tell you about them, and maybe you will read them! Keep your eye out because this is something you do not want to miss!

WARNING: I am NOT a nerd because I read books. So please, kindly shut up. :)

Do you like to read?
Do you really think that anyone who reads HAS to be a nerd?

Tell me your answers!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

That Fashion Advice Rebecca Gave Us! ONE

It's almost that time of the year... Spring! Spring is also when people start going crazy over fashion... since the obviously don't have to worry about staying toasty warm. Plus, summer coming up, which means swimsuit and beach season!

How do put together cute outfits? Easy!

I can show you not expensive outfits I threw together out of old stuff that was laying in my dresser and closet. Follow my tips for pretty much free and fun outfits!

The Top:
Do you have a really cute spaghetti strap tank top that completely violates the school dress code or needs a new up-to-date look?

Look at this adorable top... I can't believe I can't wear it due to the dress code!
Yes you can!

Just add a completely safe, yet boring alone, tank top!
Just wear that tank top UNDERNEATH your cami one!

The Bottom:
Who said khaki was out of style? Well, sometimes it is, but you can pull it off with a cute top like the one above!

Yes, some people are going to say it's out of style... but you can make it in style. It's only out of style when you wear it with a polo...

Shoes... well there is an obvious solution to this... FLIP FLOPS! Try plain or colorful flip flops, anything will work!

Perfectly cute flip flops with an adorable flower add on, but any "flop" will work! As long as they aren't broken!

Then you should wear sandals! Or converse! PERFECT!
Yes, perfect! Converse go with pretty much any outfit, and come in tons of colors!
Strappy sandals work too!

Need that perfect necklace or accessory to wear? Why not jewelry? Or sunglasses? Or scarfs? Anything works!

A bracelet! Or necklace!

A headband!



WARNING: Sorry if these clothes are not your taste or style. I will post more!

So, have fun during the spring and show off your style!

I will be posting more of this stuff!

Did you like this post? Do you want more fashion?


The title isn't that true... well i haven't posted since 2010 and it's 2011 now, right? 

Guess what? It's 2011. I had the best time ever in PA. Nothing you guys need to know about :) I GOT THE CHICKEN POX!! I'm recovering from it right now... I missed a week of school because of it.

What's the topic of the day?

Some of you are probably starting to shut down your computers because of the fact that I'm talking about him. Don't. This isn't about how great he is and how everyone loves him. We will talk about all those wonderful, sweet, angels,, out there that hate him. (Major sarcasm)
I wonder why they all hate him... what did he do to them? That's wonder I wonder a lot. Okay, for example, go on Facebook and go to the page "I hate Justin Bieber Club" Look at all the comments. Most people commenting are A-D-U-L-T-S! (yes adults) And they are sitting there cussing about the sixteen year old guy. You don't like him, who cares! Just forget about it! BUt no they all cuss and say they need to kill him. Just because they don't like this music.
I've gotten into a fight with some of the "haters" It was funny. As in, I was about to pee in my pants. (No I didn't actually do it) 

Do you like Justin Bieber?

Answer and if ~SOMEONE~ actually answers, I will post their comment in one of my next posts.