
Sunday, April 17, 2011

10 Random Things About Me... and Don't Forget Music!

So... I have dared myself to say 10 random things about myself. (Trust me, I have a life, not to mention a great family and friends) So anyways, here it goes:

1. I am planning on making a difference in this world one day. :)
2. I'm a dedicated Irish dancer and Track & Field Runner
3. People say I'm skinny. (i'm not sick or anorexic or anything!!!)
4. My family includes my Mom and Dad, and 2 brothers, one human and the other furry. (Simba the yellow lab is a very guy! :D)
5. I have 3 crazy best friends who I have been through everything with, a best frenemy (long story), a best buddy that I don't see that much, lots of dance friends-forevers, and lots more friends I can talk to at school.
6. I get great grades, (Not to brag)
7. I LOVE the beach and the mountains, and my favorite season is fall.
8. I'm your favorite Irish girl, an Irish dancer and almost all Irish.
9. I am in love with fruit smoothies.
10. I want to travel the world one day.

Everyone loves music, especially me. I mean, I am in chorus, I play the piano, and I dance. It's impossible for me to hate music.

fav songs:
-Winter Winds
-Born This Way
-The Cave
And more!!

But I have to go!!!!! Bye! I will post more soon!

What are your favorite songs, music types, and singers/bands?

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