
Friday, June 3, 2011

Just A Bit of Photography (By Me)

Okay, well I'm totally and absolutely sorry that I haven't posted in such a long time. Shame on meee! Hmm, well here's a little update, in case you were wondering. 'Kay, so I started another blog (It's on a different account, since I kind of have to emails) It's call A Reel Irish Dancer. So you know how I'm a Irish dancer? Well that blog is all about Irish dance, this is more about me. You can visit the blog at A Reel Irish Dancer, so check it out, read the posts, follow, or friend me!

But, let's get to the point of this fabulous post; photography. You all know how insane I am over photography. So today I just grabbed my camera, went outside, and next thing you know click, click, click! went the camera. :) Here's some that I took:

Okaaaay, so it's not much, but these are just my favorites. I took more, no worries. I really love the first one...!

So yeah, that's all I have to say, see ya guys, and don't forget to follow or comment!

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