
Sunday, June 12, 2011

Quote of the Day (and more)

Well, hello there. Sorry I haven't been on to post in a long time... I'm a busy bee. (:

So, here's the quote of the day for you:

I think this is an adorable quote, mainly because I'm a total Winnie the Pooh fan. (: This quote really means that don't judge a person by their looks; they could be really sweet people underneath. Enjoy the quote, and maybe, it will help you!

I'll post a new quote soon!

By the way, I think this is one of the cutest outfits ever. (:

See you next time!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Quote of the Day

Hi everyone, it's me. (And by me, I'm sure you know who I am) I just came up with something I'm going to start doing, "Quote of the Day" So, each day I'll post a quote that I like or that's even helped me in life, and you never know, maybe it will help you!

I really like this quote, and I found it off the back of a juice pouch. (lol!) So yes, this quote a keeper.

Well, I hope you enjoyed this! I'll post new quote every time I'm on here, and I'm sorry if it's not everyday.

I'm Going To The Jersey Shore!

'Ello mates! It's Rebecca here, and I'm really excited because today I'm leaving on vacation to none other than the Jersey shore. Okaaay, there's no Snookie and it's not a TV show, but I am going to a beach in New Jersey.

It all starts with a dance competition, which is usually the start of some of our vacations. I have dance competition in New Jersey, so I'll be staying at my grandparents house and visiting all the cousins and aunts and uncles that live in New Jersey. (My mom's entire family is from New Jersey) Then, on Sunday, I'll have a dance competition till about 12, and after that, off to the beach to see my mom's childhood friend and go swimming.

Sounds fun, right? I just wanted you to know, I'm just really happy that I finally get some vacation time off when I have all these end-of-the-year tests at school. But yeah, sorry this is a short post, I just had to tell someone! :)

Friday, June 3, 2011

Just A Bit of Photography (By Me)

Okay, well I'm totally and absolutely sorry that I haven't posted in such a long time. Shame on meee! Hmm, well here's a little update, in case you were wondering. 'Kay, so I started another blog (It's on a different account, since I kind of have to emails) It's call A Reel Irish Dancer. So you know how I'm a Irish dancer? Well that blog is all about Irish dance, this is more about me. You can visit the blog at A Reel Irish Dancer, so check it out, read the posts, follow, or friend me!

But, let's get to the point of this fabulous post; photography. You all know how insane I am over photography. So today I just grabbed my camera, went outside, and next thing you know click, click, click! went the camera. :) Here's some that I took:

Okaaaay, so it's not much, but these are just my favorites. I took more, no worries. I really love the first one...!

So yeah, that's all I have to say, see ya guys, and don't forget to follow or comment!