Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah!

Okay, MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just realized I haven't posted in exactly one month! Anyways, guess what?!?!?!?! I GOT A MACBOOK PRO!!!! and i'm soooo happy right now! Happy Hanukkah and Kwanza and all that to everyone else!

Question of the Week:
What is your favorite part of the holidays???
Answer this fabulous question and I will choose the best ones and put them in my next post! 
And also say the name of your blog so I can advertise it if your a winner!

But always remember true meaning of the holidays.
It's time to give thanks for what you have and spend time with family, and it's NOT all about presents and toys!!!!

Thanks everyone, bye bye!


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