
Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!! I love Thanksgiving, and it's one of my favorite holidays of the year... I just love the spirit and happiness and partying and feasts.

Some of my Absolute Favorite Things are:

  1. Football!!! That is a long known Thanksgiving tradition... This year it's Cowboys vs. Saints... who will win? COWBOYS!!!!
  2. The Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade - The best thing ever! (I will talk more about it later on in the post)
  3. Family Time - NO SCHOOL!!!! And hanging w/ the family
  4. Friends Time - THis year one of my BFFs and her family are coming over!!!!!
  6. I've figured out that starting Thanksgiving through Christmas Day is pretty much the holidays. I love the Holidays!
I looooove this holiday. HAve A grEAT DAY!!!!!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

VOTE! VOTE! VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, well hello everyone. Okay some updates:

  • Halloween has happened and I got 8 lbs. of candy and was a Camp Counselor. (cool right? sooo original)
  • It's November!
  • Not much more to tell ya!
Now: Our SPotlight Topic of the Day: VOTING TIME !!!!
Yes, it's that time. MID-TERM ELECTIONS!!!!!!!!! (oooooo, so exciting) That means states are electing governers, senates, and congress seats. Well, VA is all REBULICAN BABY!!!!!!! And we want our congress to be the elephant, right? SO VOTE FIMIAN!!! Well, you do NOT have to, because you probably don't live in VA and/or don't want to vote that. OR, YOU MIGHT BE TOO YOUNG!!! DUHHHHHH!!!! LIKE ME!!!

Anyways, I have to go so bye bye y'all!!!! ;DDDD