
Saturday, July 31, 2010

Some Pictures!

Okay now for the moment you all have been waiting for.... (maybe not) Here is Simba! This is sorta an old picture, because it was taken in the winter when he was only like 6 months old. Now he is 1 year and 1 month. He is really cute! Right? So if I get another dog it will be as sure as this! And also here is a picture of me! I am adorable too! :)

Ferrum College Summer Enrichment Camp

Hi guys! Have any of you ever heard of FCSEC? (Ferrum College Summer Enrichment Camp) It's a lot of fun. This is a camp for ages 10-13. (I think?) You actually stay in actual dorms at Ferrum College in Ferrum, VA. (near Roanoke, VA) We do tons of fun classes, like:
Webpage Design
Living 1800's Style
Ferrum Challenge
iPod Mania
and more!

I would recomend for any kid ages 10-13 that gets good grades, lives somewhere near here, and wants to have fun. The councelers are the best and we eat in the cafeteria. There is skit night, a dance and more! I went here for the first time this summer and I am so going back. I got back about 2 weeks ago.
Here is the website:
Hope this will help! I will also post some pictures and stuff like that.

Watcha doing? :)

I am sitting here on the computer. That is what I am doing. Listening to my brother play XBOX 360. What came is he playing? Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, of course. Give me a break, I've heard that game a million times. A million and one, to be exact.

Also, guess what? I am getting a new dog! (let's hope. my parents are into it, but not positive.) I already have a yellow lab that's a year old. His name is Simba. He is the greatest dog ever. We will probably get another dog from the same breeder. (Cresthill Kennels, a really good place to go if you want a lab. I will post a link) What should we name him? Any ideas?

About Me!

My name is Rebecca. (of course) I am 11 and I am going into middle school. (ek!) I do Irish Dance, which is only the best ever and I compete in dance competitions. I've done tons of sports in my life. soccer, tennis, volleyball, ballet, jazz, etc. I have a bubbly personality. People say I can be completly quiet or really-annoying-loud. I am me. And I am pround. :)

BTW, please friend me and/or become a follower!

Welcome to my Blog!

Hi. I'm Rebecca. This is my blog. (duh) I've had other blogs before from a long time ago but this is a new, way better one. So this great blog will share my crazy life and also fun games, sites, and more. I hope ya like it! :)